Wednesday, June 10, 2020



As I mentioned previously, at least initially I am going to be using paper counters for my Battletech project as it is a super quick, cheap and easy way of putting together a lance for a game.

Well I've finally managed to get all the mechs from the 3025 tech readout finished which should give me enough to cover pretty much any eventuality for gaming in the Periphery during the period before the rediscovery of Lostech!
Light and Medium Mechs

Medium and Heavy Mechs

Heavy and Assault Mechs

This got me to thinking about how I'm going to work out one of the other elements that I've been pondering trying for my campaign, RPG lite skirmishing with infantry skirmishing and whatnot.

I think I'm going to try and get some Mechwarriors, Techs and assorted Troops drawn up so I can try out a game or two but at present I'm not sure what rules I'm going to use as Battletroops, the infantry combat game for Battletech sounds a bit complex. Instead I may bodge something together of my own or try out one or two of the other sci-fi gaming systems I've got in my collection to see what suits best.

I'm currently thinking of some Mechwarriors operating without their mechs in order to chase down some leads on supplies and running afoul of the local underworld or indeed stumbling upon some sort of conspiracy. I am unsure if I want to keep Wilson's Hussars as NPC's in such an effort and have my characters being Magistracy locals who can take part in the campaign at various levels.

I think I'm going to have to sit down and have a bit of a ponder and then get a campaign outline put together with some assorted locations and characters to investigate them. I'll try and post my initial thoughts on it tomorrow with some more papertech stuff and see how I get on!

In the meantime, All the best!

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